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School of Chemical Engineering

The undergraduate program of the School of Chemical Engineering has been recognized as the best in Kazakhstan over the past 8 years according to the IQAA rating (the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education in Kazakhstan), has experience in obtaining international accreditation (IMAREST, Royal Engineering Council, UK) or licensing programs by BTEC international agency.       

The students are trained by highly qualified Kazakhstan’s and foreign professors.

The School of Chemical Engineering provides an opportunity for the best students within the framework of academic mobility to pass an internship in the leading universities and research centers in Korea (Sejong University), Malaysia (University Sains Malaysia), Switzerland (Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne), Spain (San Jorge University), France (Saint-Etienne School of Mines), etc.

A dual education system has been introduced at the School of Chemical Engineering, which combines deep theoretical knowledge with real practical activity, that is, a student undergoes training both in classrooms and in industry. Our partners give this opportunity to our students: oil refineries in Kazakhstan, Romania (RomPetrol), etc. This undoubtedly strengthens the role of the employer in the learning process and contributes to the maximum demand for our graduates.

Bachelors in Chemical technology of organic substances

Masters in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances

Masters in Chemical technology of inorganic substances

Masters in Petrochemistry


PhD in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances

PhD in Chemical technology of inorganic substances

PhD in Petrochemistry

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